At The Parks Academy, we provide a stimulating learning and teaching environment.  This allows children to fully develop their skills and abilities.  The nurturing environment enables our children to become confident learners ready to take their next steps in their journey.  We provide a rich start for all children, whatever their starting points.

Our Foundation Stage includes Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) and Foundation Stage 2 (Reception).  Within Foundation Stage 1 there is a Lead Practitioner and a Nursery Nurse. Within Foundation Stage 2 there are two classes consisting of two teachers and three Nursery Nurses.

All our staff are appropriately trained in the Early Years Education sector, have paediatric first aid training and attend ongoing training and CPD to ensure their development and skills meet the needs of children in our care.


At The Parks Academy, we strongly follow the ethos of the Early Excellence Pedagogy, which focuses on the development of learning through inspirational teaching and learning. All practitioners teach skills through offering children the opportunity to play. Practitioners follow the interests of the children and enhance learning provisions in line with this. This provides children with the opportunity, to not only acquire enthusiasm for learning, but to enhance their communication and language development. Practitioners intervene and develop the children’s play in line with the ELG.

Our Curriculum

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum meets the requirements set out in the revised National Curriculum at Foundation Stage. The curriculum focusses on Early Learning Goals (ELG) and Ages and Stages. Our curriculum follows the guidance set out in the revised Development Matters document. 

Practitioners skilfully set out the curriculum to support children in making progress through child-initiated play and adult led activities. Teaching at The Parks includes a good balance of adult led and child-initiated learning. Skilled practitioners will support and extend play to enable the children to acquire the most from the curriculum.

Transition to Year 1 from EYFS is an important phase of education. We have planned our curriculum to ensure that we have linked the learning and there is progression between the EYFS and the Year 1 curriculum, meaning smooth transitions between the two phases.


The Foundation Stage environment has been designed to be stimulating and engaging and meet the needs of all children.  The environment will be enhanced and allow the children lots of opportunities to facilitate their own learning through carefully planned and resourced provision.  Skilled adults will support children through high quality interactions and effective questioning. This will enable children to develop their skills and apply what they have learnt.

The environment will celebrate the children’s work and will be displayed around the Foundation Stage, giving them a sense of pride and achievement. 

In a natural environment, where children, are given time to thoroughly explore their thoughts, feelings and relationships, they develop understanding of the world and the environment through the use of emotions, imagination and senses.

We have a language rich environment where stories, rhymes and songs provide our children with experiences. 

Early Reading and Phonics

At The Parks we teach phonics through the Essential Letter and Sounds (ELS) programme.  This is taught daily and as a whole class, meaning exposure for all. Opportunities to apply their phonic teaching will be planned within the provision.

Children will experience the joy of books and language whilst rapidly acquiring the skills they need to become fluent and independent readers and writers.


Throughout the EYFS we believe in creating strong relationships with parents.  We communicate with parents daily, during the start of the day and at home time.  We share the children’s learning through twitter and communicate through Class Dojo.  We welcome parents into the setting during Stay and Play sessions.